At that time the shepherds were watching over their flock, as is their custom. And, behold, they were surrounded by an exceeding bright light, out of which appeared to them an angel, who blessed God. The shepherds were filled with fear by reason of the sudden light and the appearance of the angel; whereupon the angel of the Lord comforted them, saying:
‘Behold, I announce to you a great joy, for there is born in
the city of David a child who is a prophet of the Lord; who
bringeth great salvation to the house of Israel. The child ye
shall find in the manger, with his mother, who blesseth God.’
And when he had said this there came a great multitude of angels blessing God, announcing peace to them that have goodwill. When the angels departed, the shepherds spake among themselves, saying: ‘Let us go even unto Bethlehem, and see the word which God by his angel hath announced to us.’ There came many shepherds to Bethlehem seeking the newborn babe. and they found outside the city the child that was born. according to the word of the angel. lying in the manager. They, therefore, made obeisance to him and gave to the mother that which they had, announcing to her what they had heard and seen. Mary, therefore, kept all these things in her heart, and Joseph [likewise], giving thanks to God. The shepherds returned to their flock, announcing to everyone how great a thing they had seen. And so the whole hill-country of Judaea was filled with fear, and every man laid up this word in his heart, saying: ‘What, think we, shall this child be?’