The whole city of Jerusalem was moved by these words, wherefore they all ran together to the temple to see Jesus, who had entered therein to pray so that they could scarce be contained there. Therefore the priests besought Jesus, saying: ‘This person desireth to see thee and hear thee; therefore ascend to the pinnacle, and if God gives thee a word speak it in the name of the Lord.’
Then ascended Jesus to the place whence the scribes were wont to speak. And having beckoned with the hand for silence, he opened his mouth, saying: ‘Blessed be the holy name of God, who of his goodness and mercy willed to create his creatures that they might glorify him. Blessed be the holy name of God, who created the splendour of all the saints and prophets before all things to send him for the salvation of the world, as he spoke by his servant David, saying: “Before Lucifer in the brightness of the saints I created thee.” Blessed be the holy name of God, who created the angels that they might serve him. And blessed be God, who punished and reprobated Satan and his followers, who would not reverence him whom God willeth to be reverenced. Blessed be the holy name of God, who created man out of the clay of the earth, and set him over his works.
Blessed be the holy name of God, who drove the man out of paradise for having transgressed his holy precept. Blessed be the holy name of God, who with mercy looked upon the tears of Adam and Eve, the first parents of the human race. Blessed be the holy name of God who just punished Cain for the fratricide, and sent the deluge upon the earth. burned up three wicked cities, scourged Egypt, overwhelmed Pharaoh in the Red Sea, scattered the enemies of his people, chastised the unbelievers and punished the impenitent. Blessed be the holy name of God, who with mercy looked upon his creatures, and therefore sent them his holy prophets, that they might walk in truth and righteousness before him; who delivered his servants from every evil, and gave them this land, as he promised to our
father Abraham and to his son forever. Then by his servant Moses he gave us his holy law, that Satan should not deceive us: and he exalted us above all other peoples.
But, brethren, what do we do today, that we are not punished for our sins?
And then Jesus with the greatest vehemence rebuked the people for that they had forgotten the word of God, and gave themselves only to vanity; he rebuked the priests for their negligence in God’s service and for their worldly greed; he rebuked the scribes because they preached vain doctrine, and forsook the law of God; he rebuked the doctors because they made the law of God of none effect through their traditions. And in such wise did Jesus speak to the people, that all wept, from the least to the greatest, crying mercy, and beseeching Jesus that he would pray of them; save only their priests and leaders, who on that day conceived hatred against Jesus for having thus spoken against the priests, scribes, and doctors. And they meditated upon his death, but for fear of the people, who had received him as a prophet of God, they spoke no word.
Jesus raised his hands to the Lord God and prayed, and the people weeping said: ‘So be it, O Lord, so be it.’ The prayer being ended, Jesus descended from the temple; and that day he departed from Jerusalem, with many that followed him.
And the priests spoke evil of Jesus among themselves.